The Word of Destiny
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How can Astrology be taken seriously when it is based on a geocentric system?
This is one of the key arguments that the detractors of astrology love to use, attempting to convince us that astrologers are poorly informed and still believe that the Earth and not the Sun is at the center of the solar system.Yet, the latter is further proof that these people do not understand the matter. The fact that astrology is based on a geocentric system does not mean that astrologers, cloistered in medieval thought, still believe that the Sun revolves around the earth instead of its opposite. On the contrary, astrology does not deal with knowing whether the Earth is flat or round. It takes note of events taking place in the Sky and compares them with those occurring on Earth because, according to Hermes Trismegistus, “what is above is below, what is inside is outside.” Consequently, everything that happens above (in the Sky) must be reflected below (on Earth) and what is inside (in every individual) can be seen outside as well (in their life and microcosm). Therefore, astrology places Earth at the center of its studies. Why? Because, as people, we live on Earth and not on the Sun. This explains why astrology is interested in events occurring in the Sky above the Earth and in their repercussions on human life.
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