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Published in August 2017
Donald Trump vs. Hillary Clinton: the Game of Thrones is still going on
Many people in the United States and around the world love him. Many others hate him. But one thing is sure, Donald Trump leaves no one indifferent. Donald Trump was born in Gemini, on 6/14/1946. With his Ascendant on the royal degree of Leo and his Moon in Sagittarius, he can be anything, but just not boring. The Sun in Gemini makes him entertaining, interesting, strong with words, and endowed with a sharp mind. The close contact between the Sun and Uranus at the time of his birth gave him a visionary spirit, especially at the professional level. He can see profits where other people do not notice them. But the conjunction between the Sun and Uranus made Donald Trump stubborn, opposing, and persistent. Even when he is wrong. In an astrological sense, this aspect is not so positive when a person deals with business and banking. He is a gambler at heart. He enjoys the adrenaline boost that comes from making investments and risking money. Because of that, it is possible for him to get incredibly rich in a short time. But similarly, he can lose everything overnight. Thus, while ordinary mortals enjoy gambling in Las Vegas, Donald Trump enjoys doing the same on a higher level. He takes risks with great ideas and millions of dollars of investments. In politics, the embrace between his Sun and his Uranus will cause him to enjoy shocking others. Especially his opponents. But the Sun and Uranus are also responsible for Trump’s courage to speak aloud about things that others are afraid to mention and for his ahead-of-time visions about his country. That’s why some people won’t be able to understand them. But he will never be afraid to speak his mind. When all the above is complemented by his Mars in Leo, Donald Trump’s profile slowly shapes out. He is a man with a strong and centered energy. But also a man with an explosive temper who is prone to theatrical actions and noisy behavior. He wants all eyes to be focused on him, and he does it in an unbridled way. His strengths would be his perseverance, a high threshold of tolerance to external pressure, his ‘opacity’ due to his swift adaptation to change and his courage to venture and take risks. His flaws would be the way he rushes and his lack of persistence when fighting his rivals— a characteristic of Gemini—as well as his whims and his unpredictable behavior due to the influence of Uranus. The fixed star Regulus that sits on his Ascendant in Leo suggests that he would become a wealthy and powerful man and would be crowned like a king. Even if he came from the poorest family, Donald Trump’s destiny was to earn professional success and wealth. And as an icing on the cake, to become the president of one of the most powerful countries in the world. It’s important to emphasize that the Solar Eclipse of August 21, 2017, will happen directly above his Ascendant and his Mars, located in his house of secrets and powerful secret enemies. This means that Trump will pass through 18 crucial months. The stars will give him a chance to prove his supremacy and to rise like Phoenix above the influence of his powerful enemies. To take advantage of this opportunity, he will need to make wise moves during the next 18 months. Rushes, reckless statements, or lies must not happen. Because this is the only way he will be able to secure the sympathy of the people. And the support of the people will be his trump card in the fight against his opponents. But if Trump does not act with extreme precision during the next 18 months, he will lose the battle and will be forced to pull back. In this case, he may end up in some sort of isolation—hospital, or prison. The wise say: “Keep your friends close to you, and your enemies even closer.” In the case of Donald Trump, most problems could be caused by those he considers as friends—and who were born in Aries and Scorpio. Especially if they work for intelligence and law enforcement agencies. And here again, Hillary Clinton appears on the stage. Will she be the biggest threat to Trump’s presidential mandate? Hillary Clinton was born in Scorpio, on 10/26/1947. Her Ascendant is in Scorpio and her Moon in Pisces. This is a powerful combination. It shows an inflexible, strict and merciless person, for the world as well as for her coworkers. But she is easily vulnerable, adaptable and permissive towards those to whom she is emotionally close. Because of the limiting vibrations of Saturn which started its transit through her sign in October 2012, she needs twice more energy than usual to achieve any of her plans. Everything teamed up against her, and her energy level was down to the bottom. Health problems were possible too. Even though Saturn exited Scorpio in September 2015 to enter Sagittarius, it will continue to sabotage Clinton until November 2017. At about the same time, Jupiter, the planet of happiness, will enter Scorpio in October 2017 and will be able to shine its brightest. This means that Hillary Clinton’s star could rise again in one way or another between November 2017 and November 2019. Will Hillary Clinton be the biggest threat to Donald Trump? Or could it be another Scorpio? Or maybe an Aries? And who will win this Game of Thrones? Time will tell. The above astrological analysis is based on Hillary Clinton’s and Donald Trump’s birth data found on the web.
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