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Signs and the Choice of Literature
AriesIn their incessant competition for the first place, as well as in their work, in sports or in the hearts of members of the opposite sex, with a warrior-like and adventuresome spirit, Arians are not the kind of people who stay home with a book in their hands for hours on end. However, they love books, reading then during short pauses among their numerous daily chores. This is why you Arians flee long novels, exception made of those dealing with adventure or war and in which you are able to identify regularly with the main character or hero. As far as the newspaper goes, you first read the sports section and you are crazy about automobile magazines or those dealing with arms. If life has already taught you that psychological war is generally more successful than the one that uses muscle power, you will certainly read all of Jung’s and Freud’s works. And, finally, there is no Arian who will not find himself in Milan Kundera’s masterpiece, The Unbearable Lightness of Being, and in the Memoirs of Casanova. TaurusMonarchs in the art of wasting time, Taureans have no need of stuffing their free time with anything at all in order to feel better. For them, it is enough to have a garden or a well-arranged balcony and they can take pleasure in at one point for hours on end with sweet music as their only company. Nonetheless, Venus, their guardian, accentuates the artistic temperament of Taureans, a temperament that many of them express through writing, singing, painting, flower growing or even cooking. This is why for you, Taureans, manuals dealing with cooking or with the cultivation of flowers are the kind of literature that interests you and to which you always come back. Since Venus is the goddess of love and beauty, the ideal present for you could very well be the romantic and delightfully written Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov. GeminiA fast mind, clear and multidimensional, just as much as a great wealth of ideational association, are the elements that help Geminians in directing their free time towards preparing a master’s or doctoral work or in writing a new book while others are sleeping or resting. In fact, all those things that other signs grow tired of, such as studying, reading or memorizing, bring pleasure to Geminians and stimulate them. You Geminians have more talents and interests than the average but no more bodies for materializing your ideas than the average. As a result, you quite often feel prisoners of time and space. Just as Mercury, your protector and the messenger of the Gods, has simultaneously a weak spot for thieves, should your level of awareness be lower, you will find short critiques of a book on the basis of which you will be able to understand the content and to criticize it, quite satisfying. If your level of awareness is any higher, you will no doubt turn into a true encyclopedia and will have a lot to say about each area of knowledge. Whatever the case, Grisham’s The Firm will bring your cerebral circuitry to a point of incandescence. CancerJust going to school, work, or even outings in the evening tire them and make them edgy. This is why Cancerians are happiest of all whenever they get home. Their passion for water drives them to spending time reading in their miniature sea, as they affectionately refer to their bathtub. They like best books and magazines affectionately describing lesser people’s difficult fates, what might happen to them, the biographies of members of the royal families, books dealing with history and popular tradition as much as love stories. Deeply sensitive, after reading each book, you Cancerians are unable to sleep for days on end, thinking about the fate of the characters, trying to compare it to your own opinions and existential doubts. This is why the best book one can offer you is the sad and romantic story by Thomas Mann, A Death in Venice. LeoEven if they try their best to be wherever something is happening, brilliant in their management of time, they always have enough of it left over for literature. And for them, everything is an attraction. Leos read the latest most read novels with the same passion they had for the writings of Hesse and Orwell. In fact, you Leos know that the books you have read will allow you to shine in society. This is the reason why it is not very difficult for you to learn mythology, read bestsellers, discover works adapted to the screen or stage. What is more, you do not find it at all difficult to learn all the dialogues by heart or to do comedy better than professionals who have played the part. Nonetheless, the work you raise your hat to is the medieval detective novel, Umberto Eco’s The Name of the Rose. VirgoEven if Virgoans can boast of a rich, introspective and analytical mind, they most often remain silent and express themselves better in writing because of their shyness. Since their minds continuously seek to find an occupation, in the absence of specific challenges, they incessantly brood about situations and dialogues of everyday life, looking for flaws where there are none. This is why you, Virgoans relax while reading police novels, books of the genre How to acquire self-confidence, Success through telepathy, The power of the subconscious mind, Dietetic healing. Since you are thrifty, besides, you do not waste your money in a variety of magazine but rather make do with information in the daily you trust the most. Finally, the real delight for you is to be found in Agatha Christie’s novel Murder on the Orient Express, she being the best-known Virgoan writer among authors of detective stories, or else you might go for Saint-Exupery’s The Little Prince. LibraSubjects of Venus, the patron of beauty, love and art, Librans profoundly feel every word’s vibration, recognizing its esthetics and respecting the capacity to find harmony in their association within a phrase. This is why you Librans love poetry and most often write it yourself. You also love adventure novels that tell the story of young nobles. In the same way, you open your wallet without thinking twice about it when it comes to expensive magazines dealing with appearance, fashion and beauty; and, you regularly acquire theater and cinema guides and brochures. Nonetheless, a specific work by the former president of the Czech republic, Vaklav Havel, or Oscar Wilde’s The Portrait of Dorian Gray will touch your sophisticated taste right in the bull’s eye. ScorpioFor Scorpios, the year is not divided into months, hours or days but periods. Because of the intense life they lead, after the activity spells, they need quiet periods during which to reconstitute their strength in preparation for new action. In the meantime, they spend their free time working out crossword puzzles, reading magazines dealing with the army and the police as well as with erotic literature. Since discovering secrets, mysticism and the functioning of the human psyche titillates the curiosity of every evolved Scorpio, you will look for the answers to your questions in Scott Peck and Arthur Janov’s books, in esoteric literature, in Dostoevsky's novels, and in the works of Zola and of Edgar Allan Poe. Whatever the case may be, you will be just as fully satisfied with Mario Puzo’s The Godfather. The latter is the embodiment of everything you believe in: loyalty towards the family, secrecy, danger and above all else, vengeance. SagittariusWithout a doubt, they have a well-developed instinct for hunting and need great outdoors and it is quite likely that the saying “do not stay put in a single place” came from the mouth of a Sagittarian. However, one should not forget that representatives of this sign are endowed with a profound philosophical-religious intellect, inclined to seek a unique law that will account for everything. This is the reason why, you, Sagittarians, are able to sound things out with all the fire that is in your soul, to seek its deepest meaning, to see things in advance. You love equally as well travel and adventure novels, read Plato and Proust, the Bible and books on Buddhism. What is more, your attention can equally be drawn to hunting and fishing magazines, foreign political reports and issues of National Geographic. CapricornOld and serious from the time they are born, in the case of Capricorns it is difficult to draw a clear frontier between work and leisure. Whereas their friends rest and have fun, Capricorns spend their free time involved in a variety of domestic reparations, reading specialized literature or meeting people who in the future might give them a hand in their career. Since you believe that one arrives at the top more rapidly by learning from other people’s experience and mistakes, you Capricorns love history. On your desk the latest dailies can be found concerning economic matters, books in the category of Europe from 1933 to 1949, diverse biographies of rich and powerful people, archeological monographs, Russian classics in the genre of the novel or by someone like Jack London and also books in the line of Napoleon Hill’s Think and grow rich. AquariusEverything that is new, quirky and different pleases them. They manage thesis and antithesis equally well, reach new discoveries and predict the future. This is why it is not surprising that the greatest number of geniuses are born under the sign of Aquarius. Open to the new, Aquarians read everything, works from Hesse to sci-fi passing through erotic literature. Nonetheless, being an Aquarian, short stories and comic strips attract you the most. In your library, one can find works by Freud and Jung piled together, How to Make Love All the Time by Barbara de Angelis, novels by Isaac Asimov and juicy works from the ranks of alternative literature. And certainly novels written by another Aquarian, Jules Verne, as well a collection of poems by Jacques Prévert. PiscesMore than any other sign in the Zodiac, Pisceans are able to make an art of their habitual loss of time or even define their sacred rest atop an array of cushions as a phase of creative transition. All jokes set aside, among representatives of this sign you will find hidden many individuals who can well be proud of numerous talents. Even though you may not be a painter, writer or musician of genius, you Pisceans display an exceptional ability for arranging the space you live in and for presenting food. At moments of true creative crisis, you take your book as if it were the most faithful of friends able to allow you to evade reality. You read everything, from classics to haiku poetry, you adore Victor Hugo and sympathize with little Cosette’s misfortunes. You read all in one sitting Gabriel García Marquez’s Love in the Time of Cholera and do not stop trembling for days after reading Marguerite Duras’ The Lover.

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