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Signs and Money

Signs and Money


For you, competition and the wish to be treated like a celebrity are more important than money. This is why you nearly always choose a job that is dynamic and risky, in which your talents and courage will constantly be challenged. Since you do not compromise, you are always ready to take risks. Since God is on the side of the brave, such behavior usually brings you excellent financial results. Nonetheless, it is difficult for you to hold on to your money. Following the principle that what is important is not what is useful to you but what raises your adrenaline, you would not invest your money in real estate nor put it in a bank. Rather, you will buy a sport car, you will travel to a destination that you are unfamiliar with or you will gladly go to a casino.


Ownership of material goods is soul food to you. You feel an incommensurable love for the wealth and objects you have acquired. Possession increases your self-confidence and that is the most important part. Undoubtedly, you have an innate sense of what is beautiful and of value but you hardly differentiate between your real needs and your cupidity. Busy accumulating your material reserves, collecting everything and anything and filling your house with useless things, you will not notice the wants and needs of the other members of your family.


For you, playing is what matters and money is only the indispensable result that derives from this. Even if certain business people find you facetious and unstable, no one can deny the final result of your endeavors and maneuvers. Your lucidity, your speed and your flair for business help you to squeeze out the quintessence of those deals others will not touch. Your ability to find the fault in each system and to use it to your advantage often allows you to enrich yourself thanks to the most insignificant details. However, it is also important to know how to preserve one’s fortune. With your constant changes of plans, you are often left penniless.


As long as you have not started a family, you do not think of or make any effort to earn money. Intuition is the best weapon you have in your work and in your way to earn money. It invariably leads you to profitable deals and to decision makers that can help you to realize your financial ambitions. You behave discretely and maintain a low profile at work but will always pay attention to not becoming the least well paid of your colleagues. You mostly spend your funds on house related needs and on your children’s needs. Since you are very thrifty, your children will usually be well looked after financially. Still, if someone asks you for money, it is with a heavy heart that you will extend it and do so only after you have verified the profitability of the borrower’s intentions. Besides this, you will expect the loan to be returned in time.


People say “if you don’t know what the best is, buy what is most expensive.” As far as you are concerned, it is not your fault if you are able to detect the best, which often is the most expensive. To own it, you need to have money. This is the reason why you will do everything you need to do in order to rise to a high position, where everything is more easily available and it is possible to breathe with greater ease. Your financial rise more often that not is slow yet painless since, because of your innate authority and your organizational capacity, those around you have no other alternative than to listen to you or else get out of your way. Besides, loving luxury, you will not pass by a single opportunity to show yourself in all your splendor. Nonetheless, you are known as an open and generous person, concerned with helping others. Indeed, your regal nature knows that giving is the highest expression of power. You allow no one to join you on the throne while you endure the moments in which you are forced to count your small change as the biggest punishment of all.


Hardworking, practical and analytical by nature, you excel in all money-related work. You always think things through well before investing, knowing how to negotiate your transactions judiciously and how to pull the strings cold-bloodedly. Driven by your desire to be useful and by your inborn perfectionism, you hesitate when it comes to slamming your fist on the table at decisive moments, you lose sight of your goals, keep silent for a long time and make do with what you receive. However, when it comes to economizing, you are undoubtedly the best. You spend your money on what is strictly necessary. You are always finding products at the best price available. You gladly help others and trade your excess money for gold or else make banking investments.


More than any other sign in the Zodiac, you earn in order to spend. You manage to amass impressing amounts of money without too many problems, rejoicing like a kid not because of having it but because of using it. Besides, you have the capacity of consuming everything, down to your last penny, for something beautiful or pleasing to you, without thinking about setting aside a bit of money as a safeguard against leaner days. Only when you are met with unforeseen expenses do you promise yourself to be more careful with your money. Yet, this commitment trips over the next time you enter a store. The lack of balance between on the one hand your need of a fair relation with others in the way you earn money and on the other hand your constant efforts to attract people who have money and can help you get rich, results in others perceiving you ambiguously. At times you seem honest, at times self-serving.


Impossible to refrain from realizing your goals and loving to take risks, you try to turn the way you make money into an exciting and suspenseful thriller. In this story, the amounts involved are enough to give anyone a headache. You will be this thriller’s hero and after many vicissitudes will always realize your material dreams. It is therefore not by pure chance that the positions which bring fame, power and money are yours to hold. It is practically impossible for you to go bankrupt. That will only happen should you lose yourself in drink. Nonetheless, you take more pleasure in displaying your knowledge and know-how in your work and business deals than in the excitement of a fast profit.


A gambler at heart, money for you is a guest who comes and goes. You need money to improve your social status and to satisfy your great need for the enjoyment of material pleasures. If you feel like you do not have a knack for, or are incapable of, earning money, you will certainly stick by people who are so endowed. However, if you love your work, your capacity to generate revenue has no limits. Then a new problem comes up: careless in money matters, either you spend a lot or you will strike risky deals, or will get into the habit of gambling. Nonetheless, Jupiter, your protector and planet of happiness, will always save you from bankruptcy at the last moment.


The fear of poverty is your main reason for earning money. Your goal is in the power it brings. This is why the only indicator of success for you is the bank balance, the number of apartments, houses, stores and acres of land. From your earliest age onward, you are putting plans together to earn even more money. For that, you use to their fullest your mental abilities, which permanently whisper to you “you still don’t have enough” and turn you into a master in the art of building and managing your fortune. This is why those who want to amass everything that you have must behave coldly towards the weak, severely with the strong and cruelly with themselves.


You neither understand nor accept the meaning of money. This is why you work only the bare minimum you need to be accepted into some new project which usefulness you are the only one to see. Nonetheless, you are always able when it is necessary to find financing that will serve everyone and particularly people in need. If you get rich, that is not to say that wealth was your goal. You have instead obtained your fortune as a secondary matter, for example as the outcome of your specialty. One more thing: each time someone needs money, he can simply ask you for it. You will lend it to him without saying a word and forget you have done so. But similarly, you will forget about equally as well when you are the one to borrow.


Your attitude frequently changes when it comes to money. Sometimes, only the person you love can push you to work for the daily bread. At other moments, only a good manager is able to change your talent and work into money. Sometimes, you can show yourself very resourceful where finances are concerned. From time to time, you are even ready to indulge in illegal activities. When you have a lot of money, you will spend it without mercy on something that has value in your eyes alone. What is more, you are not someone who will cut open your veins should someone attempt to take advantage of you financially. Indeed, no one can strip away your dreams. And dreams can always turn into money... Besides, the idea is the capital, the rest is only money!
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I just want to thank you for my natal chart. I honestly saw parts of me in each page that I read. I was really impressed at the parts where I had some barriers in my life that I eventually over came and was only able to get past them by surrendering and acknowledging that I did not have control over the situation, I had to let go and let God. There were some things that were inaccurate however I must say that had my life not taken the turns they did my life could very well have ended in those ways. Also, I was quite amazed at the references to drug and alcohol addiction. I have also overcome those obstacles, again by surrendering. I am now on a more spiritual journey. Thanks. 

Debra, USA

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