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The Word
of Destiny

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My own case is in fact a typical example as to how astrology can help to attain professional success. I was trained as an engineer in agronomy, specializing in oenology. In spite of my excellent grades, and for an array of reasons, I was rejected by the enterprises that I attempted to join. For the most part because I am a woman. My life changed the moment I accepted my hobby, astrology, as a profession that I would carry out on television, from 1997 to 2005. Ever since 2005 I have been working on putting my site together, Astroscopia. I probably do not need to tell you that astrology was my hidden talent which is written in the stars.

The Business Horoscope

Speed up your professional success

You have studied and are ready to perfect yourself. Nonetheless, you find it impossible to get work that will allow you a sufficiently ample income, that will make it possible for you to blossom, to use all your potential and to attain recognition from your colleagues...

You have set up your own enterprise and have done everything you could to see it blooming. However, your results remain below your expectations. Where did you go wrong?

It may be you are looking for the explanation for this state of affairs in the ongoing recession, in your inauspicious fate or in a thousand other circumstances that do not depend on you. You probably feel powerless, have lost your self-assurance and are concerned about the future.

The first bit of news that I would like to comfort you with is as follows: the world economic crisis is not responsible for your business setbacks. There are enterprises, in fact, even within a difficult economic context, that perform and obtain excellent returns. This is even more true if you have already learned that you shape your destiny yourself, as a result of the choices you make throughout your life.

The question to ask is the following: “How to make the right choice, one that will assure you a thriving business, a stable career and comfortable income?” To answer this, you will first have to answer other questions truthfully: “Do you know what activity you are most suited for? Is this the activity in which you are presently engaged? What are your hidden talents? Are you predestined to fail? Are your expectations much too high?”

To answer these questions, you need to be frank, have experience, be able to analyze yourself as well as your life, and have lots of time in your hands. Nonetheless, astrology is there in order to bring fast, precise and impartial answers:

  • The Business Horoscope reveals whether you have chosen the right activity. It shows you the profession that will bring you the greatest satisfaction, the greatest feeling of accomplishment and the best returns. The biggest mistake that many people make is waiting for professional success to bring them riches. This is something that is possible but is not always be the case.
  • The Business Horoscope reveals to you the best moment for registering your new enterprise, the place that will be most suited for each one of your employees, the ideal moment for you to request a loan, sponsorship or to invest the capital you have acquired. Also, you can know beforehand what the best times for your advertisement are going to be.
  • The Business Horoscope shows you the countries in which you will most easily and productively come into collaboration as well as the periods most conducive to it.
  • Thanks to the use of numerology, the Business Horoscope also helps you in choosing the name to give your enterprise, trademark of your image and guarantee for your dominant presence in the market.
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Violeta S. Marsol
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