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Over 30 pages long, your Astroscopia Natal Chart reveals everything you need to know about yourself and your destiny.

Violeta S. Marsol was born in Skopje, Macedonia. She is an agricultural engineer by profession, specialized in oenology, but as she herself says: “God chose another destiny for me, and I am not going to disagree with His will.” While studying in high school and at the university, she also explored physics, psychology, religion and metaphysics for fun. Thus, she began to study astrology in 1987.

She entered the world of journalism in 1996 and wrote for several Macedonian magazines and newspapers (Miss, Mlad Borec, Mag, Vest, Vreme). In 1997, she began to work for two national television networks (Sitel and Telma). Since then, she has developed and presented more than 375 broadcasts, including 225 sixty-minute astrological interviews with the biggest Macedonian names in music, theatre, film, politics, journalism and sports, around 25 thematic discussions, about fifty broadcasts on the lives of world-renowned celebrities, and wrote over 430 weekly horoscopes.

She also participated in several television and radio broadcasts in which she spoke on the themes related to astrology and other alternative sciences. She has been interviewed for several Macedonian newspapers and magazines.

She says that her Astroscopia site is for the moment the best way to share her experience in astrology and other spiritual disciplines with the largest public possible, in the hope that she can help each individual to know himself or herself better, and use his or her potential—both known and hidden—to the fullest.



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All about my parental issues appears to be correct, and thank you for directing me to focus in my professional areas. 

Shy, India

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Violeta S. Marsol
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